Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2019

To My Day Dream ( A Poem )

They said you can't make homes out of human beings.

But for the past weeks, we've been together,
You became an answer to a "what if" question.
You became a force, you became an adventure.
You became home.

I never got the chance to tell you this,
But every moment I spent with you is worth it. 

This is me keeping you in my memories. 

I miss the way you said my name because I can't hear it that way anymore. The way your smile became just a little brighter when you looked at me. It just felt perfect - how we made each other happier. I must have gone through hundreds of moments in my head with you and me. 

It was like a Ferris wheel of times. You were making me laugh and you bit your lip in that beautiful way you do. The time we spent together was an entire orchestra of sounds. It's like we met in the dark and you slipped away, but I'm looking forward to your hand to hold. I just miss you, that'all. I miss us. Thanks for being part of my life.

Have a great day everyone!