Thursday, December 8, 2011

White Wash

I checked my polyvore account last night and I found these mix and match clothes from American Eagle Outfitters, I created 10 months ago and that are perfect to wear for our upcoming Christmas party at the beach. I am thinking of wearing white shirt, denim [destructed] shorts and sandals. Perfect outfit to wear on playing any games that they've prepared for us. For swimsuit, I already have one. HAHA! :) But I'm not comfortable wearing one around boys. ;)

I created another one, for inspiration. Forgive me, I just love white! :)

 I still have to buy gift for our kris kringle. I still have two days to do that. Ooh! So hard to buy stuff if it's for a guy. Whatever it is, he should be thankful. Goodness! 

Have a great day everyone! ♥


  1. This sounds wonderful! These cute, summery clothes make me wish it wasn't so cold where I live!

  2. i have these denim shorts and LOVE them! i wear them every weekend! i like white with denim, summery and fresh.

    What's the next line? Help write the story!

  3. Such cute outfits you put together! I love the second one! Isn't polyvore addicting?? Love that website!

  4. All of these outfits are super, they make me miss summer <3


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