Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dear No One

Valentine's Day is coming and I'm pretty sure most of you are busy planning since last month for their special someone. I don't want to mention V-Day here on my blog. Okay... I am being Grumpy the Cat here who finds Valentine's Day - Nothing! :D 

This year, I will surprise Dad this weekend! Not because it's Valentine's Day you have to be with your boyfriend or girlfriend, if you still have your parents with you, invite them for a day out to bonding with you. Life is short not to show them how much they are special to you. :) 

Photos by Rod

As of the moment, here's the song that is stuck on my mind. 

So if you’re out there I swear to be good to you
But I’m done lookin’, for my future someone
Cause when the time is right
You’ll be here, but for now
Dear no one, this is your love song

Happy Hearts Everyone! :) 


  1. February is the ultimate month for all singles to rant and rave about their singlehood, that they're not bothered at all of their "uniqueness". They will be fervently posting on how over-rated the event is. They will glorify and magnify the virtues and privileges of singlehood. But they're just being bitter b*tches. hahahaha! wag ka, single din ako. hahaha!

    But I like your idea on celebrating Valentine's Day. Oo nga, it's about love. How about having a date with your parents. that's really sweet. Thanks for the idea. I think I'll treat my parents to a dinner, then let them both have a romantic walk downtown, di ba? Baka sakaling masundan pa nila ako ng isa pang baby... in their late 50's. hahaha!

    1. Cheers, Mr. Tripster! :) Not all singles are bitter.. (okay.. maybe sometimes) Ayos yan, labas din with parents if may time. :) <3

  2. Naku Jewel, ako nga balak ko mag imbak na ng food tas mag kulong sa bahay sa 14. Tas matutulog ako tas gigising ako ng Feb 15 na. LOLs. Nga pala Pilipinas Roadtrip name ng agency namin nung Ilocos trip. Search them on FB.

  3. Single awareness day hahaha
    Our dad is our best bf!

  4. Aww..yes u have a point. VDay is for everybody.Have fun on ur family bonding. ;)

  5. happy hearts! ♥ ayoko maging bitter patatas pero.. hahaha kidding!! :)) listening to the song right now..


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