Sunday, April 9, 2017

How Long It Takes for Healthy Ladies to Get Pregnant

Photo from Google

Right now, when browsing my Facebook newsfeed, all I see are posts of my friends either getting married or proudly showing the world the new tricks of their babies. It makes me happy seeing these posts and I actually look forward to more of their posts.

I saw some of my close friends who got married (and I was invited) and eventually have babies. I would often ask them how long it takes for a woman to get pregnant. Some people may choose to delay their pregnancies. Here in the Philippines, many women want to enjoy their lives with their partners first before they fully commit to becoming mothers. However, there are also a lot of women would actually want to have babies the soonest time possible.

Photo from Google

A couple of times, some friends of mine would consult doctors and ask others who already have kids about the secret to getting pregnant, how long it will take for them to conceive, and even the things that they can do to make sure that they will indeed get pregnant.

As a blogger, I always advice my friends to take care of their health. Healthy women with regular cycles usually do not take long to get pregnant. According to experts, a woman could conceive six hours after sexual contact. This is the length of time that it would need for the sperm and the egg to meet.

I also advice my friends to check on reliable blogs like Check Pregnancy to know more about motherhood from trying to conceive to their pregnancy and of course to becoming mommies! These blogs are a great help as they tackle a long list of topics about women's health and the difficult yet fulfilling motherhood phase. If you have plans to get pregnant or is actually on your way to becoming a mom, I suggest you read their helpful posts. Enjoy the journey!

Have a great day everyone!

IG: @jewelclicks

1 comment:

  1. Nice article. There is nothing to compare with the word "mother" in this world.Mother is one of our god.Mothers are women who inhabit or perform the role of bearing some relation to their children, who may or may not be their biological offspring.
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